Today’s episode features Miriam Kemi Havelin, a professional researcher, strategist, and designer. Havelin is currently completing her master's degree at OCAD University in Toronto, Canada, focusing on strategic foresight and innovation. Her work explores the difference between disinformation and misinformation online.
Miriam Kemi Havelin
In this conversation, Miriam (Kemi) tells Tracy why people fall prey to conspiracy theories and further explains the social and economic power of deception. They talk about the difficulty in getting truth to people when so much information is available online, and why nuance and context rarely goes viral. They also discuss media and journalism in the digital age—and why AI isn’t a good tool to combat the issues faced in our current technological age.
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Note: Our intro is the song, Take Me In Your Arms, written and performed by the talented Vancouver-born pianist, Austin Nash Park.